Expo - « État des lieux » Hélène Van den putte

  • exhibition
  • painting
  • sculpture
  • drawing
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The Beau Site space dedicates the sixth exhibition of its season, State of the Places, to the impressive artistic career of Hélène Van den Putte, marked by limitless inventiveness with multiple facets. Between his training in interior architecture design and his professional activities as a graphic designer in the advertising sector, his creative space opened up to drawing, illustration, painting and printing techniques. An accomplished practitioner of linocutting and lithography, she also developed an eclectic three-dimensional universe, exploring soft materials such as paper, felt or wicker. His practice of sculpture also joins his passion for ceramics. A portraitist, she is an observer of her natural environment of which she captures shapes and volumes, rhythms and lights which she restores through line, color, choice of material, through the prism of Her memory. In October 2002, on the occasion of her first exhibition, L'Espace Beau Site welcomed Hélène Van den Putte and her bows of En terre boats. All of his work, generous as well as rigorous, has stood the test of time remarkably.

L’Espace Beau Site

Where does it take place?

6700 Belgique Avenue de Longwy 321, Arlon, Belgique

L’Espace Beau Site
Avenue de Longwy 321


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Weather forecast (Arlon)

mon. 29
/ 14°
tue. 30
/ 19°
wed. 1
10° / 20°


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  • 2024-04-06 2024-04-28 Europe/Paris Expo - « État des lieux » Hélène Van den putte The Beau Site space dedicates the sixth exhibition of its season, State of the Places, to the impressive artistic career of Hélène Van den Putte, marked by limitless inventiveness with multiple facets. Between his training in interior architecture design and his professional activities as a graphic designer in the advertising sector, his creative space opened up to drawing, illustration, painting and printing techniques. An accomplished practitioner of linocutting and lithography, she also developed an eclectic three-dimensional universe, exploring soft materials such as paper, felt or wicker. His practice of sculpture also joins his passion for ceramics. A portraitist, she is an observer of her natural environment of which she captures shapes and volumes, rhythms and lights which she restores through line, color, choice of material, through the prism of Her memory. In October 2002, on the occasion of her first exhibition, L'Espace Beau Site welcomed Hélène Van den Putte and her bows of En terre boats. All of his work, generous as well as rigorous, has stood the test of time remarkably. Avenue de Longwy 321, Arlon, Belgique Maison du Tourisme du Pays d'Arlon


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